If in the aftermath of a storm, your air conditioning has lost its cool, and you’re left feeling hot in the room while the cold air outside is blowing across your skin, there’s a good chance that your system will need repair. It’s essential to keep tabs on your unit so that you can get it fixed as soon as possible. Here are seven signs that your AC has been damaged in a storm.
1. No Cooling
Your air conditioning should be able to blow cool air into every room in your house and clear the humidity from indoor environments. After a storm, you might find that your AC unit is not cooling your home adequately. If it’s not working at all, you’ll need to get it repaired as soon as possible. Even if you don’t notice the AC not working, there is a chance that water has accumulated on the coils, and this will prevent your compressor from running correctly. If you suspect that a storm has damaged your unit, call an HVAC professional to check it out.
2. Heating Issues
After a storm, you may notice that your home is getting uncomfortably warm while the outside air is cold. In some cases, this heating issue could be caused by damage to an external component, such as a broken furnace or heater. If this is the case, you’ll need to get your HVAC system serviced right away. If you’ve been living in an unheated home for a while, then you may be experiencing problems with the heating process. If you’re experiencing a cold winter, you want to call a professional if you notice that your home is getting too warm as well.
3. Bad Odors
After a storm, you may experience some unpleasant odors. In some cases, odors associated with mold might be the cause of your bad smells. If you think that the smells are coming from your air handler or coil, you should check these areas for damage. If there is build-up on the coils of your AC unit, you’ll need to get this area cleaned out before getting your unit repaired. You’ll need to clean the coils in some cases; in other instances, you’ll need to replace a damaged piece. If the smells aren’t coming from your air handler, they could be coming from moldy vents or ducts. If you have mold, you’ll need to clean out and sanitize these components before getting your AC fixed.
4. Wobbling
The mounting system used to secure your AC unit to your home could become damaged. If this is the case, you’ll notice that the unit is wobbly when it’s turned on. If this is the case, you’ll want to get your AC repaired as soon as possible. A technician may need to replace a faulty component with a new or refurbished component. If you live in an area that has experienced a storm recently, you should check out the mounting system and ensure that it’s in good condition before turning your AC unit on.
5. Uneven Air Flow
In some cases, the airflow coming out of your AC unit could be uneven. There are several reasons for this airflow problem, including dirty coils, obstructions affecting the airflow, or a damaged fan blade. If you suspect that your coils have been damaged, you’ll want to get them cleaned before trying to get your unit fixed. If you notice that the AC system is turning but not producing a cooling breeze, some obstruction prevents the air from moving through the unit. There’s a chance that a part of the unit has been damaged; if this has happened, you’ll need to have it replaced.
6. Hot Surrounding Areas
When your AC unit is running, it should pull the heat out of the air and transfer it outside. If you notice that nearby objects or floors are getting hotter than usual, this could be a sign that your unit is not working correctly because there is a blockage, and the air isn’t circulating properly in your home. You’ll want to call in an HVAC technician if you suspect that there may be a blockage. If you think that your unit needs repair, contact us as soon as possible to avoid having your unit damaged further.
7. A Smell of Oil
After a recent storm, you’re likely to notice a smell of oil coming from your air handler. This type of smell is caused when the compressor has been damaged, and the oil inside has leaked out. If this is the case, get in touch with an HVAC professional right away. The oil on your unit could start to combust if it’s not cleaned out. In some cases, a technician may need to replace a fan or compressor to fix this problem.
Contact Us
If your HVAC system indicates any of these signs after a storm, you need to call in an HVAC professional. We are an experienced, top-of-the-line heating and cooling solution that offers remarkable services in Sarasota, Florida. We can provide heating and cooling repair, maintenance, and installation, plus commercial HVAC and electrical services. Contact Putnam Mechanical today for more information.