Few things are more frustrating than when your electricity does not work. If the electric bill is paid and lightbulbs are screwed in tight, yet the light still won’t turn on no matter how many times you flip the light switch, it’s a problem. A properly functioning electrical system is essential to everyday home and family life.
Ensuring your electrical system is in proper working order guarantees you, your family and your home are safe from potential electrical hazards. Identifying and fixing electrical problems can seem daunting and overwhelming, especially when you don’t know where to begin. However, one of the most common causes of electrical and lighting inconsistencies is also one of the easiest to spot—a blown outlet.
Below are five signs to tell if a blown outlet is behind your electrical problem.
1. Smoke From the Switches
Not only is seeing smoke emitting from an outlet unsettling, but it can also indicate a blown outlet. Overloaded circuits, faulty wiring, and out-of-date systems can lead to outages. To ensure your safety, unplug all devices from the unit and turn the connected light switch off.
A trained professional should also be contacted to restore proper functioning.
2. Fuses and Breakers Tripping
One common reason an outlet does not work is a tripped breaker. A tripped breaker occurs when one of the switches in the breaker box has been flipped off. After locating your breaker panel, check if any switches are in the “off” position. If a switch is in the “off” position, flip the switch to the “on” position.
After flipping the breaker, check if the lights work correctly by flipping the light switch on. You may also need to go into your bathrooms and kitchen and press the reset button on any GCFI outlets. A tripped breaker can be caused by faulty devices, ground faults, and short circuits. Should resetting your outlets and flipping the breaker not fix the issue, it’s time to call an electrician.
3. Dimming Lights
Dimming or flickering lights can indicate a blown outlet. Flickering lights, a sign of electrical inconsistencies, often indicate underlying electrical issues. These inconsistencies can lead to increased utility costs and put additional stress on electrical systems. A trained professional can help determine, identify, and fix the problem.
4. Frayed Wires
While wires fray for various reasons, frayed wires can signify a blown outlet. Spotting a frayed wire is easy enough, and it’s even easier for an electrical fire to start. Frayed wires expose the conductive material inside the wire, which leads to fires and electrical shortages.
Should you have frayed wires, immediately discontinue using the outlet and contact a trained technician to correct the issue.
5. Discolored Outlets or Switches
If your outlets or switches show signs of discoloration, this could be a sign that the electrical outlet is blown. Scorch marks, as well as any yellow or brown discolorations, can be indicative of overheating. Like with frayed wires, short circuits, and fires can be easily started once discoloration is evident.
Potential Dangers of Ignoring a Blown Electrical Outlet
Ignoring a blown electrical outlet can lead to serious dangers, including electrical fires, shock, or further damage to your home’s electrical system. A blown outlet might indicate faulty wiring, short circuits, or an overloaded circuit, all posing significant risks. Sparks, heat buildup, or arcing can ignite nearby materials.
Additionally, repeated use of a malfunctioning outlet can damage plugged-in appliances. Acting fast by scheduling repair service ensures safety and prevents more extensive and costly electrical issues.
Contact Electrical Professionals Today
Don’t let electrical problems overwhelm you. Electricity is paramount to a happy, healthy, and stress-free home. Addressing electrical issues, like problems from your outlets, in your home when they start helps to prevent damage and protect the safety of your home.
The trusted professionals at Putnam Mechanical can alleviate this stress by identifying and fixing blown outlets for you. With over 75 years of experience, Putnam Mechanical specializes in heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and electrical services in and around Mooresville, NC, and Greenville, SC. For more information on our electrical services, contact us today!